
Casa Rafols


Step into Casa Rafols, an ar­chi­tec­tur­al mar­vel that in­vites you to jour­ney back in time. This 19th-cen­tu­ry palace, metic­u­lous­ly trans­formed into a bou­tique ho­tel, har­mo­nious­ly blends his­tor­i­cal charm with mod­ern el­e­gance. Upon en­ter­ing, an op­u­lent lob­by adorned with in­tri­cate fres­coes and a grand stair­case wel­comes you. Each room is a unique sanc­tu­ary, fea­tur­ing plush fur­nish­ings, orig­i­nal art­work,

and cap­ti­vat­ing city views. As­cend to the rooftop ter­race, an oa­sis of re­lax­ation. Sip cock­tails as you soak up panoram­ic vis­tas. Al­ter­na­tive­ly, re­treat to the tran­quil court­yard, an idyl­lic set­ting for leisure­ly break­fasts and mo­ments of seren­i­ty. Casa Rafols is a true ar­chi­tec­tur­al gem, where his­to­ry and moder­ni­ty con­verge, of­fer­ing a cap­ti­vat­ing set­ting for your stay in Barcelona.

Price point