Casa Pepe


Casa Pepe in Lon­don's Soho dis­trict is a true culi­nary es­cape, trans­port­ing you straight to Spain. The mo­ment you en­ter, you're en­veloped by the tempt­ing scents of gar­lic, pa­pri­ka, and saf­fron. The restau­ran­t's charm lies in its rus­tic decor: ter­ra­cot­ta tiles, ex­posed wood­en beams, and tra­di­tion­al Span­ish art­work cre­ate a warm and invit­ing am­biance. Their menu is a love let­ter to Span­ish cui­sine, fea­tur­ing a

mix of clas­sic and in­no­v­a­tive dish­es. You can en­joy tra­di­tion­al tapas like patatas bravas and cro­que­tas, or delve into the rich fla­vors of pael­la, seafood stews, and per­fect­ly cooked meats. Whether you choose to en­joy a glass of Ri­o­ja at the bar or set­tle into their in­ti­mate din­ing room, Casa Pepe guar­an­tees a mem­o­rable Span­ish din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence that will have you plan­ning your re­turn vis­it.

Opening hours
Sunday08:00 - 16:00Monday06:00 - 16:00Tuesday06:00 - 16:00Wednesday06:00 - 16:00Thursday06:00 - 16:00Friday06:00 - 16:00Saturday07:00 - 16:00