travel agency

Casa del Par­co Vi­gna Car­di­nali


Step­ping away from the bustling streets of Rome, Casa del Par­co Vi­gna Car­di­nali feels like dis­cov­er­ing a se­cret gar­den with­in the Ap­pi­an Way Re­gion­al Park. An­cient ru­ins peek out from be­neath a canopy of tow­er­ing trees, their weath­ered stones whis­per­ing sto­ries of cen­turies past. Fol­low­ing hid­den trails through fra­grant pine forests, we were re­ward­ed with stun­ning views of the rolling Ro­man coun­try­side. The charm­ing, re­stored farm­house at the cen­ter of the park ex­udes a warm and invit­ing am­biance. We en­joyed re­lax­ing in the tran­quil court­yard, a

sym­pho­ny of scents from bloom­ing flow­ers and aro­mat­ic herbs fill­ing the air. Meals at the on-site restau­rant were a true de­light, each dish a cel­e­bra­tion of fresh, sea­son­al Ital­ian fla­vors. As the sun dipped be­low the hori­zon, paint­ing the sky in hues of or­ange and pur­ple, we found a se­clud­ed spot, let­ting the tran­quil­i­ty of the mo­ment wash over us. Casa del Par­co Vi­gna Car­di­nali is more than a ho­tel, it's a true es­cape, a place to re­con­nect with na­ture and his­to­ry's qui­et beau­ty.

Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 17:00Tuesday09:30 - 17:00Wednesday09:30 - 17:00Thursday09:30 - 17:00Friday09:30 - 17:00Saturday09:30 - 17:00Sunday09:30 - 17:00