
Casa del gre­mi dels vel­ers


The Casa del Gre­mi dels Vel­ers is a cap­ti­vat­ing Mod­ernista mas­ter­piece. Orig­i­nal­ly built in 1909 to serve as a trade union head­quar­ters for the lo­cal sail­mak­ers, the build­ing stands to­day as a tes­ta­ment to the vi­sion­ary tal­ent of An­toni Maria Gal­lis­sà i So­qué. Lluís Bru i Salelles' ce­ram­ic pan­els, which adorn the façade with scenes of ship­build­ing

and sail­ing, im­me­di­ate­ly catch the eye. Over­head, the build­ing's name is em­bla­zoned in glazed ce­ram­ic let­ter­ing, lend­ing an air of grandeur. In­side, ex­quis­ite stained-glass win­dows and grace­ful wrought-iron stair­cas­es en­hance the al­ready-im­pres­sive space. Now home to the Barcelona Mar­itime Mu­se­um, the Casa del Gre­mi dels Vel­ers in­vites you to delve into the city's fas­ci­nat­ing sea­far­ing past.
