
Casa Bonay


Casa Bonay in Barcelona is­n't just a place to stay, it's an ex­pe­ri­ence. From the mo­ment you step into the lob­by, you're en­veloped in an at­mos­phere that's both styl­ish and wel­com­ing. It's as if some­one took the best of vin­tage and mod­ern de­sign and blend­ed it seam­less­ly with a dis­tinct­ly artis­tic flair. Our room was a de­light­ful dis­cov­ery, filled with per­son­al­i­ty and thought­ful touch­es that made it feel like a true home away

from home. Af­ter busy days ex­plor­ing the city, it was the per­fect sanc­tu­ary to un­wind and recharge. And then there's the rooftop ter­race – a true gem. Pic­ture your­self sip­ping on a cock­tail as the sun dips be­low the Barcelona sky­line. It's mo­ments like these that make Casa Bonay tru­ly spe­cial. The best part? The hotel's lo­ca­tion makes it in­cred­i­bly easy to dive into the heart of all that Barcelona of­fers.

Price point