tourist attraction

Casa Batl­ló


Casa Batl­ló is more than just a build­ing; it's an ex­pe­ri­ence. De­signed by the sin­gu­lar An­toni Gaudí, this Barcelona land­mark trans­port­ed us to a world of fan­ta­sy. The ex­te­ri­or, a live­ly mo­sa­ic crowned with a wave-like roof, drew us in from the mo­ment we ar­rived. In­side, lu­mi­nous stained-glass win­dows fill the space with a mes­mer­iz­ing ar­ray of col­ors. Each el­e­ment, from the in­tri­cate wood­work to the whim­si­cal de­sign fea­tures, re­veals Gaudí's lim­it­less cre­ativ­i­ty, leav­ing guests com­plete­ly spell­bound. For a tru­ly re­mark­able time in Barcelona, Casa Batl­ló should be at the top of your itin­er­ary.

Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 22:00Tuesday09:00 - 22:00Wednesday09:00 - 22:00Thursday09:00 - 22:00Friday09:00 - 22:00Saturday09:00 - 22:00Sunday09:00 - 22:00