
Car­ni­vore Steak House


Car­ni­vore Steak House lives up to its name, a haven for meat lovers in Malmö. The restau­rant it­self has a sleek and mod­ern feel, with dim light­ing that cre­ates a warm and invit­ing at­mos­phere. Their menu is a meat-lover's dream, fea­tur­ing a cu­rat­ed se­lec­tion of dry-aged steaks from trust­ed sup­pli­ers. Each cut is ex­pert­ly grilled to your lik­ing,

re­sult­ing in a fla­vor­ful and ten­der mas­ter­piece. Whether you pre­fer the rich mar­bling of a rib­eye, the lean tex­ture of a striploin, or the but­tery ten­der­ness of a filet mignon, Car­ni­vore Steak House de­liv­ers on fla­vor. Every bite is a tes­ta­ment to the skill of the chefs, mak­ing it a must-try for any steak afi­ciona­do vis­it­ing Malmö.

Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 22:00Tuesday17:00 - 22:00Wednesday17:00 - 22:00Thursday17:00 - 22:00Friday17:00 - 23:00Saturday17:00 - 23:00Sunday17:00 - 22:00