
Car­ni­vore Steak House


Car­ni­vore Steak House def­i­nite­ly lives up to its name. As soon as we stepped in­side, we were struck by the cool, con­tem­po­rary vibe. Low light­ing gave it a cozy, wel­com­ing feel – the per­fect set­ting for a spe­cial meal. The menu had us drool­ing – dry-aged steaks from rep­utable sources, all cooked to per­fec­tion. We went for a juicy rib­eye and a melt-in-your-mouth filet mignon, both burst­ing with fla­vor. Car­ni­vore Steak House is a must for any se­ri­ous steak lover vis­it­ing Malmö.

Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 22:00Tuesday17:00 - 22:00Wednesday17:00 - 22:00Thursday17:00 - 22:00Friday17:00 - 23:00Saturday17:00 - 23:00Sunday17:00 - 22:00