
Cap­puc­ci­no Sant Miquel


Cap­puc­ci­no Sant Miquel quick­ly won us over dur­ing our stay in Pal­ma. It's just the right vibe, whether you need a quick caf­feine boost in the morn­ing or a tasty lunch on the go. The minute you step in­side, there's this elec­tric en­er­gy, prob­a­bly ra­di­at­ing from the eclec­tic mix of busi­ness­es sur­round­ing it – imag­ine sushi restau­rants

next door to bustling ra­dio sta­tions. The menu is sur­pris­ing­ly di­verse, with some­thing for every­one, and the staff? Su­per friend­ly and on their game. Snag a ta­ble out­side for some top-notch peo­ple-watch­ing or soak up the live­ly am­biance in­side. For a taste of au­then­tic Pal­ma with a mod­ern twist, Cap­puc­ci­no Sant Miquel is a must-vis­it.

Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 22:30Tuesday09:00 - 22:30Wednesday09:00 - 22:30Thursday09:00 - 22:30Friday09:00 - 23:00Saturday09:00 - 23:00SundayClosed