
Can Joan de s'Ai­go


Can Joan de s'Ai­go is more than a sim­ple cafe; it's prac­ti­cal­ly a Mal­lor­can land­mark. This fam­i­ly-run trea­sure, with mul­ti­ple lo­ca­tions around Pal­ma, has been a beloved spot for gen­er­a­tions. As we wan­dered the city, the al­lur­ing aro­ma of their famed pas­tries, craft­ed with gen­er­a­tions-old recipes, seemed to trail us through the

streets. We even­tu­al­ly stum­bled upon their Sanç Street lo­ca­tion, a space seem­ing­ly frozen in time since it first wel­comed guests in 1977. Step­ping through the door feels like a jour­ney back in time, of­fer­ing the chance to rel­ish not only the de­lec­table treats but also a true fla­vor of Mal­lor­can her­itage.

Opening hours
Wednesday08:00 - 21:00Thursday08:00 - 21:00Friday08:00 - 21:00Saturday08:00 - 21:00Sunday08:00 - 21:00Monday08:00 - 21:00Tuesday08:00 - 21:00