
Ca­hoots Un­der­ground


De­scend the stairs into Ca­hoots Lon­don, a whim­si­cal cock­tail bar and live mu­sic venue tucked away in King­ly Court. A play­ful time warp greets you, trans­port­ing you to 1940s Lon­don dur­ing the Blitz. Vin­tage decor, dimmed light­ing, and an at­mos­pher­ic sound­track cre­ate an im­mer­sive ex­pe­ri­ence. Sip on ex­pert­ly craft­ed cock­tails in­spired by the war years, while live mu­sic fills the air with nos­tal­gic melodies. Don vin­tage at­tire and en­gage in in­ter­ac­tive games, be­com­ing part of the by­gone era. Ca­hoots of­fers a unique and cap­ti­vat­ing ex­pe­ri­ence that will leave you hum­ming and sway­ing long af­ter your vis­it.
