coffee shop

Caf­fè Nero


Caf­fè Nero, the beloved UK cof­fee shop chain, has a Lon­don lo­ca­tion that's per­fect for a re­lax­ing break. The staff greet you with a smile, mak­ing the at­mos­phere in­stant­ly wel­com­ing and com­fort­able. With read­i­ly avail­able free WiFi, it's a great spot to catch up on emails or sim­ply browse the in­ter­net while sa­vor­ing

your drink. Speak­ing of drinks, the cof­fee is tru­ly ex­cel­lent, and pairs per­fect­ly with their di­verse food se­lec­tion - think sand­wich­es, sal­ads, pas­tries, and tempt­ing cakes. If you're search­ing for a spot to un­wind and en­joy a qual­i­ty cup of cof­fee, I'd high­ly sug­gest a vis­it to Caf­fè Nero dur­ing your Lon­don ad­ven­tures.

Price point
Opening hours
Saturday06:30 - 20:00Sunday07:00 - 20:00Monday06:00 - 19:30Tuesday06:00 - 19:30Wednesday06:00 - 19:30Thursday06:00 - 19:30Friday06:00 - 19:30