coffee shop

Caf­fè Nero


In the heart of Lon­don's vi­brant streets, Caf­fè Nero in­vites you to in­dulge in aro­mat­ic de­lights. As you sa­vor the rich aro­ma of fresh­ly brewed cof­fee, lose your­self in the pages of your fa­vorite nov­el. Im­merse your­self in thought-pro­vok­ing art ex­hi­bi­tions and dis­cov­er the hid­den tal­ents of lo­cal mu­si­cians. Share your cof­fee ex­pe­ri­ences, lit­er­ary rec­om­men­da­tions, and artis­tic dis­cov­er­ies on our Face­book page. Let's con­nect over all things cof­fee and cel­e­brate the trea­sures our city holds.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 18:30Tuesday10:00 - 18:30Wednesday10:00 - 18:30Thursday10:00 - 18:30Friday10:00 - 18:30Saturday10:00 - 18:30Sunday11:00 - 17:00