
Caf­fè Con­cer­to Kens­ing­ton


Step­ping into Caf­fè Con­cer­to Kens­ing­ton is like en­ter­ing a time cap­sule, but with a live­ly, con­tem­po­rary buzz. The pol­ished wood floors and lux­u­ri­ous vel­vet chairs prac­ti­cal­ly beck­on you to re­lax un­der the soft light of the chan­de­liers. It's a re­fined yet wel­com­ing en­vi­ron­ment, ide­al for any­thing from a quick caf­feine fix to a leisure­ly mid­day meal with com­pan­ions. And

let's talk about the food—their menu cer­tain­ly does­n't dis­ap­point. They have every­thing from a sim­ple espres­so and pas­try pair­ing to a com­plete lunch fea­tur­ing en­tic­ing se­lec­tions of teas, sand­wich­es, and oth­er de­light­ful snacks. It's easy to un­der­stand why Caf­fè Con­cer­to is such a hit, at­tract­ing a con­stant flow of reg­u­lars and vis­i­tors alike with its de­lec­table of­fer­ings and cap­ti­vat­ing at­mos­phere.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday07:30 - 23:00Tuesday07:30 - 23:00Wednesday07:30 - 23:00Thursday07:30 - 23:00Friday07:30 - 23:00Saturday07:30 - 23:00Sunday08:00 - 22:30