Cafetería Sa Tas­sa


Cafetería Sa Tas­sa, a pop­u­lar stop for those seek­ing a caf­feine boost, has a chic and mod­ern am­biance. It's the kind of place where you can eas­i­ly while away an hour or two, en­joy­ing the de­li­cious cof­fee and laid-back at­mos­phere. Their ex­ten­sive se­lec­tion of cof­fee blends en­sures that even the most dis­cern­ing

cof­fee lover will find some­thing to their lik­ing. The cre­ative menu of­fers a va­ri­ety of tasty treats and light bites, per­fect for a quick break­fast or a mid­day snack. If you're look­ing for a break from sight­see­ing, Cafetería Sa Tas­sa is a great place to recharge and soak up the lo­cal en­er­gy.
