pizza restaurant

Cafe Pizze­ria 59


Crav­ing piz­za in Lon­don? Look no fur­ther than Cafe Pizze­ria 59. This place gets it right, with a menu boast­ing a va­ri­ety of tasty piz­zas that will have you com­ing back for more. And don't skip the sides – they're equal­ly de­li­cious and the per­fect com­ple­ment to your meal. You'll leave sat­is­fied and al­ready plan­ning your next vis­it!

Opening hours
SundayClosedMonday06:00 - 20:00Tuesday06:00 - 20:00Wednesday06:00 - 20:00Thursday06:00 - 20:00Friday06:00 - 20:00Saturday08:00 - 20:00