danish restaurant

Cafe Pe­ters­borg


Café Pe­ters­borg is prac­ti­cal­ly a Copen­hagen in­sti­tu­tion, with roots stretch­ing back to the mid-18th cen­tu­ry when the build­ing first ap­peared on the map. The name might throw you off, but it's a nod to the build­ing's past life as the Russ­ian con­sulate. Back then, sailors from St. Pe­ters­burg would crowd the place, grab­bing a hearty meal and a drink be­tween shifts at the near­by Cus­toms House. To­day, it's a beloved spot to ex­pe­ri­ence a taste of his­to­ry and Copen­hagen's en­dur­ing charm.

Price point
Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesday11:30 - 21:00Thursday11:30 - 21:00Friday11:30 - 21:00Saturday11:30 - 16:00SundayClosed