Cafe Hjertetræet
The Avedoere Church complex is easily recognizable by its reddish-brown brick construction, featuring an attractive tower that borrows southern European architectural inspiration and stands in the southeast corner. The atrium of the church is a tranquil spot encouraging contemplation and interaction between nature and culture, providing an ideal setting for outdoor activities. The church has a seating capacity of 170, with all seats occupied, and was designed by architect Palle Rydahl Drost and built in 1977. The girls' choir brings hymns to life with their gifted performances, while there's also often music in the church when the organists rehearse or during high masses. Ulrik Rossing created the Altar Cloth, the focal point of the church chamber, woven by Mette Rossing. This piece of artwork depicts the first Pentecost, where twelve disciples receive tongues of fire, with a dove representing the Holy Spirit above. Avedoere Church represents a lively and engaged church, tightly bound to its parish and keen to integrate the community into its activities. The church supports multiple charitable causes, including Project Mayaja, The Danish People's Aid, and other charitable organizations with a focus on assisting a development project in Tanzania. The church is also a welcoming haven for those experiencing homelessness. Café Hjertetraet is the church's restaurant, a congenial space where you'll meet a diverse staff and enjoy homemade cuisine. The café encourages conversation and is ideal for meeting new people over a great cup of coffee. You're also afforded the opportunity to hold events, attend lectures, as well as participate in courses. Apart from the regular opening schedule, which is 9 am - 3 pm, the church also opens every first Tuesday of the month for Youth Cellar, alternate Wednesdays for Bridge and weekly for Film Club, and other exciting initiatives that encourage interaction between the church and the surrounding community.