
Café Globen


Café Globen is more than a sim­ple café; it's a live­ly gath­er­ing place for ad­ven­tur­ers. Pic­ture your­self en­joy­ing a re­fresh­ing Ar­gen­tin­ian beer or a tra­di­tion­al Ger­man brew while lis­ten­ing to cap­ti­vat­ing tales from fel­low trav­el­ers. The café hosts com­pli­men­ta­ry trav­el talks and events, mak­ing it an ide­al spot to gath­er in­spi­ra­tion and in­sid­er tips for your next jour­ney. If you're ea­ger to con­nect with kin­dred spir­its and im­merse your­self in the thrill of ex­plo­ration, grab a seat at Globen.

Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 22:00Tuesday17:00 - 22:00Wednesday17:00 - 22:00Thursday17:00 - 22:00Friday17:00 - 01:00SaturdayClosedSundayClosed