
Café de Paris


Café de Paris is an el­e­gant and so­phis­ti­cat­ed des­ti­na­tion lo­cat­ed in the vi­brant Tan­jong Pa­gar dis­trict of Sin­ga­pore. Upon en­ter­ing the café, you are greet­ed by a warm and invit­ing at­mos­phere with styl­ish dé­cor and com­fort­able seat­ing. The menu fea­tures an ex­quis­ite se­lec­tion of French-in­spired dish­es, show­cas­ing clas­sic and con­tem­po­rary culi­nary de­lights. Sig­na­ture dish­es in­clude the deca­dent es­car­gots de Bour­gogne, the suc­cu­lent steak frites, and the ir­re­sistible crème brûlée. The wine list boasts an im­pres­sive range of French vin­tages, per­fect­ly com­ple­ment­ing the gas­tro­nom­ic of­fer­ings. Whether you're seek­ing a ro­man­tic din­ner, a leisure­ly brunch, or a so­phis­ti­cat­ed af­ter-work gath­er­ing, Café de Paris promis­es an un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence in the heart of Sin­ga­pore's vi­brant ur­ban land­scape.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 22:00Tuesday11:00 - 22:00Wednesday11:00 - 22:00Thursday11:00 - 22:00Friday11:00 - 22:30Saturday11:00 - 22:30Sunday11:00 - 22:00