
Café Blom


Af­ter a thought-pro­vok­ing vis­it to ArkDes/Mod­er­na Museet, we stum­bled upon Café Blom, en­ticed by the tan­ta­liz­ing aro­ma of fresh­ly roast­ed cof­fee. The or­gan­ic brew did not dis­ap­point, of­fer­ing a smooth and fla­vor­ful pick-me-up. For those seek­ing some­thing a bit stronger, their se­lec­tion of mi­cro­brews is sure to sat­is­fy any craft beer en­thu­si­ast. We

could­n't re­sist the tempt­ing dis­play of snacks and light meals, per­fect for a quick bite or to sa­ti­ate a rum­bling stom­ach. Café Blom's invit­ing am­biance en­cour­ages you to linger, mak­ing it an ide­al spot to un­wind and soak in the fu­sion of art and de­li­cious­ness be­fore ven­tur­ing back out into the city.

Price point
Opening hours
Tuesday11:00 - 19:00Saturday11:00 - 17:00Sunday11:00 - 17:00Wednesday11:00 - 17:00Thursday11:00 - 17:00Friday11:00 - 19:00