
Bur­ma Love


Crav­ing in­cred­i­ble Burmese food with a side of cool? Look no fur­ther than Bur­ma Love. This off­shoot of the eter­nal­ly pop­u­lar Bur­ma Su­per­star de­liv­ers the same in­cred­i­ble fla­vors but with a chic, con­tem­po­rary vibe. Their menu is tai­lor-made for shar­ing, so grab your friends and pre­pare for a de­li­cious jour­ney. Don't skip the cock­tail menu ei­ther - the bar is al­ways buzzing and the drinks pair beau­ti­ful­ly with the cui­sine. In short, if you're a fan of Bur­ma Su­per­star, you'll ab­solute­ly adore Bur­ma Love. It's Burmese din­ing el­e­vat­ed.

Price point