
Bul­gari Re­sort Dubai


Imag­ine es­cap­ing to the Bul­gari Re­sort Dubai, lo­cat­ed on a unique sea­horse-shaped is­land in the Ara­bi­an Gulf. From the mo­ment you ar­rive, you're en­veloped in Ital­ian so­phis­ti­ca­tion. Think crisp white ar­chi­tec­ture, icon­ic Bul­gari de­tails, and del­i­cate hints of tra­di­tion­al Ara­bic de­sign. Pic­ture your­self wak­ing to stun­ning vis­tas of ei­ther the sparkling Ara­bi­an Gulf or the cap­ti­vat­ing Dubai sky­line from your pri­vate bal­cony, a fea­ture in each of the 101 rooms and suites. For an even more ex­clu­sive re­treat, opt for one of the 20 Bul­gari vil­las, com­plete with a per­son­al pool. Culi­nary ex­pe­ri­ences abound, from the in­ven­tive Ital­ian fare at Il Ris­torante - Niko Romi­to to the en­tic­ing Mediter­ranean de­lights at La Spi­ag­gia. Un­wind with a hand­craft­ed cock­tail and de­lec­table snacks at the styl­ish Bul­gari Bar, or en­joy the re­laxed am­biance of the Yacht Club, ide­al for a leisure­ly lunch or din­ner. The Bul­gari Re­sort Dubai is more than just stun­ning aes­thet­ics and ex­cep­tion­al din­ing. It's a haven of re­lax­ation. Pam­per your­self at the lux­u­ri­ous spa, main­tain your fit­ness rou­tine at the well-equipped fit­ness cen­ter, or sim­ply soak up the sun on the re­sort's se­clud­ed beach.
