
Bu­bi­ta San­gria Bar


Crav­ing a chilled san­gria af­ter a day spent on Barcelon­a's beau­ti­ful beach­es? Look no fur­ther than Bu­bi­ta San­gria Bar. They don't mess around when it comes to this clas­sic drink, of­fer­ing a huge va­ri­ety in­clud­ing 15 al­co­hol-free ver­sions. But it's not just about the drinks. Their food menu fea­tures de­li­cious and healthy choic­es like plant-based tapas, in­no­v­a­tive cheese al­ter­na­tives, veg­gie

burg­ers, and fresh raw dish­es. And if you're crav­ing some­thing sweet, their desserts are free from re­fined sug­ar, so you can in­dulge guilt-free. The at­mos­phere is live­ly and wel­com­ing, with friend­ly staff hap­py to help you nav­i­gate their ex­ten­sive menu. Bu­bi­ta San­gria Bar is the per­fect spot to soak up the laid-back Barcelona at­mos­phere and en­joy a tasty bite and bev­er­age.

Price point
Location 933 10 41 00