tourist attraction

Brunk­e­berg Tun­nel


Walk­ing through the Brunk­e­berg Tun­nel felt like step­ping back in time. This 231-me­ter pedes­tri­an and cy­clist pas­sage­way cuts right through a ridge in cen­tral Stock­holm, con­nect­ing David Bagares gata and Tun­nel­gatan. Imag­ine the feat of en­gi­neer­ing it took to carve this tun­nel back in 1884! It only took them two years, though, and it's been a pop­u­lar city short­cut ever since. To­day, the tun­nel's unique at­mos­phere and pho­to­genic arch­es make it a fa­vorite for In­sta­gram-wor­thy snap­shots.

Opening hours
Monday06:00 - 22:00Tuesday06:00 - 22:00Wednesday06:00 - 22:00Thursday06:00 - 22:00Friday06:00 - 22:00Saturday06:00 - 22:00Sunday06:00 - 22:00