
BROWN Roast­ery | K-Mall


Cof­fee, a sim­ple yet com­plex bev­er­age, can be soft and sweet or ro­bust and bit­ter, re­flect­ing its di­verse na­ture. This cre­ative flu­id­i­ty is what Brown aims to de­liv­er to our pa­trons, of­fer­ing them a unique ex­pe­ri­ence and su­pe­ri­or qual­i­ty in both cof­fee and pas­try prod­ucts. Our mis­sion is to en­sure every cup we serve is mem­o­rable. Found­ed in 2009 and of­fi­cial­ly in­cor­po­rat­ed in 2011, Brown has ex­pand­ed to in­clude sev­en out­lets, a bak­ery, and a train­ing cen­ter. We are ex­cit­ed

about the prospect of fur­ther growth to cater to our grow­ing cus­tomer base. What be­gan as a small team of eight has grown to a fam­i­ly of 150 in less than three years. The Brown fam­i­ly is ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing ex­cep­tion­al ser­vice to our cus­tomers and nur­tur­ing our new team mem­bers to be part of this unique jour­ney. From our baris­tas to our chefs and our Head of Hu­man Re­sources, we pro­mote per­son­al de­vel­op­ment and col­lab­o­ra­tion. KEY­WORD: gato, gato101,, 101.

Price point