tourist attraction

Brook­lyn Bridge Park Pier 3 Plaza


Strolling across Brook­lyn Bridge Park's Pier 3, you're hit with a wave of tran­quil­i­ty. Perched on the edge of DUM­BO, the park boasts stun­ning panora­mas of the Man­hat­tan sky­line, all watched over by the ma­jes­tic Brook­lyn Bridge. Ver­dant lawns and vi­brant seat­ing ar­eas are sprin­kled through­out, invit­ing guests to un­wind and soak it all in. The plaza buzzes with a blend of res­i­dents and tourists, gen­er­at­ing a live­ly yet serene am­biance. Whether you're seek­ing a mo­ment of peace­ful con­tem­pla­tion or the ca­ma­raderie of fel­low park-go­ers, Pier 3 of­fers a wel­come es­cape amidst Brook­lyn's bustling en­er­gy.

Opening hours
Monday06:00 - 22:30Tuesday06:00 - 22:30Wednesday06:00 - 22:30Thursday06:00 - 22:30Friday06:00 - 22:30Saturday06:00 - 22:30Sunday06:00 - 22:30