
Bröd & Salt


The sec­ond we walked into Bröd & Salt, the in­cred­i­ble smell of fresh bread sur­round­ed us. It felt like find­ing a se­cret spot, and the wel­com­ing at­mos­phere im­me­di­ate­ly made us feel re­laxed. The sound of hap­py chat­ter filled the air – friends catch­ing up, lo­cals grab­bing a quick bite, and soft con­ver­sa­tions cre­at­ed a cozy feel­ing. The dis­play of hand-shaped breads, pas­tries, and

cakes was beau­ti­ful, mak­ing it al­most im­pos­si­ble to de­cide. We went with their well-known car­damom buns and strong cof­fee – a per­fect pick-me-up for an af­ter­noon of ex­plor­ing. It's easy to pic­ture our­selves spend­ing hours here, en­grossed in a good book and en­joy­ing an­oth­er round of their tasty treats. Be­lieve us, you'll want to come back to Bröd & Salt again and again.

Price point
Opening hours
Thursday06:30 - 21:00Friday06:30 - 21:00Saturday08:00 - 21:00Sunday08:00 - 21:00Wednesday06:30 - 21:00Tuesday06:30 - 21:00Monday06:30 - 21:00