
Broad­way Cui­sine


Broad­way Cui­sine is a go-to spot in Los An­ge­les for sat­is­fy­ing your Chi­nese food crav­ings. We loved how sim­ple it was to or­der ahead by phone and swing by for a quick pick­up. The food is fresh, fla­vor­ful, and the por­tions are very gen­er­ous - we def­i­nite­ly had some left­overs for lat­er! They've got all

the clas­sics on the menu, like kung pao chick­en and Mon­go­lian beef, at prices that won't break the bank. Plus, the ser­vice is friend­ly and help­ful - they even gave us some rec­om­men­da­tions since it was our first vis­it. If you're on the hunt for great Chi­nese food in LA, make sure to check out Broad­way Cui­sine.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 21:30Tuesday11:00 - 21:30Wednesday11:00 - 21:30Thursday11:00 - 21:30Friday11:00 - 21:30Saturday11:00 - 21:30Sunday11:00 - 21:30