
Brew­Dog Kung­shol­men


Strolling along Sankt Eriks­gatan, Brew­Dog Kung­shol­men grabbed our at­ten­tion, and we could­n't re­sist pop­ping in. As big craft beer en­thu­si­asts, their ex­ten­sive tap list blew us away. Whether you're a sea­soned hop head or a cu­ri­ous new­bie, they've got some­thing to quench your thirst. But the fun did­n't end there – the de­li­cious

burg­ers and wings com­ple­ment­ed our beer choic­es per­fect­ly. The en­tire place had a re­laxed, invit­ing at­mos­phere, mak­ing it the ide­al place to kick back and re­lax. If good eats, tasty bev­er­ages, and a low-key am­biance are your idea of a fun evening, be sure to add Brew­Dog Kung­shol­men to your Stock­holm itin­er­ary.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday16:00 - 23:00Tuesday16:00 - 23:00Wednesday16:00 - 12:00Thursday16:00 - 12:00Friday16:00 - 01:00Saturday14:00 - 01:00SundayClosed