
Brasserie Balzac Restau­rang


Lo­cat­ed right near Oden­plan in Stock­holm's Vasas­tan dis­trict, Brasserie Balzac is easy to find and even more invit­ing to en­ter. The at­mos­phere is re­laxed and wel­com­ing, ide­al for catch­ing up with friends over a de­li­cious meal. Speak­ing of meals, the menu caters to all tastes, whether you're crav­ing fresh oys­ters or a per­fect­ly pre­pared omelette. Our quick bite turned into a leisure­ly vis­it as we soaked up the space's en­er­getic yet cozy vibe. Brasserie Balzac feels like a nat­ur­al part of the city's rhythm, mak­ing it a fan­tas­tic choice for a sat­is­fy­ing meal, what­ev­er the oc­ca­sion may be.

Price point