


Walk­ing into Brass­club was like stum­bling upon a hid­den gem for cock­tail afi­ciona­dos. The at­mos­phere was an ide­al mix of el­e­gance and ease. Rafa Martín, the cre­ative force be­hind the bar, is prac­ti­cal­ly a celebri­ty in the cock­tail world, and his skill is ev­i­dent in every sip. For­get the usu­al cock­tail menu – Martín's con­coc­tions im­pressed us

with sur­pris­ing fla­vor pair­ings that were both in­no­v­a­tive and de­lec­table. Every drink was a work of art, beau­ti­ful­ly pre­sent­ed and skill­ful­ly pre­pared. The chic set­ting en­hanced the whole ex­pe­ri­ence – wel­com­ing and ide­al for a mem­o­rable evening. Whether you're a cock­tail con­nois­seur or just look­ing to sam­ple Pal­ma's re­fined side, Brass­club de­serves a spot on your itin­er­ary.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday17:30 - 01:30Tuesday17:30 - 01:30Wednesday17:30 - 01:30Thursday17:30 - 01:30Friday17:00 - 02:30Saturday17:00 - 02:30Sunday17:30 - 01:30