tourist attraction

Brøn­shøj Wa­ter Tow­er


Skip the usu­al tourist throngs and dis­cov­er a true taste of Copen­hagen at the Brøn­shøj Wa­ter Tow­er. Though its sim­ple con­crete ex­te­ri­or might not ini­tial­ly im­press, this struc­ture is a mon­u­ment to sleek Scan­di­na­vian de­sign. Com­plet­ed in 1977, the tow­er has evolved into a beloved lo­cal land­mark. Its dis­tinc­tive form pre­sides over the cityscape, and as­cend­ing to its sum­mit re­veals awe-in­spir­ing, sweep­ing views of Copen­hagen's vast ur­ban ex­panse.
