


Find­ing Bou­chon feels like you've stum­bled upon a hid­den gem, tucked down a qui­et, cob­ble­stone lane. In­side, a warm at­mos­phere and invit­ing decor in­stant­ly make you feel at home. The restau­rant beau­ti­ful­ly blends Malmö's cos­mopoli­tan vibe with the sim­ple charm of a clas­sic French eatery. The menu is a trib­ute to tra­di­tion­al Ly­on­naise cui­sine, craft­ed with a con­tem­po­rary flair. Imag­ine beau­ti­ful­ly seared steak

frites and ex­quis­ite­ly arranged cheese boards. And their fa­mous es­car­gots, bathed in a gar­lic and pars­ley but­ter, are a must-try, trans­port­ing you straight to the heart of France. Each mouth­ful, es­pe­cial­ly when com­ple­ment­ed by a choice from their thought­ful­ly cu­rat­ed wine list, con­firms Bou­chon as a true culi­nary find. This es­tab­lish­ment ef­fort­less­ly com­bines culi­nary ex­cel­lence with the au­then­tic feel of a Parisian bistro.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday17:30 - 21:30Tuesday17:30 - 21:30Wednesday17:30 - 21:30Thursday17:30 - 21:30Friday17:30 - 22:00Saturday17:00 - 22:00Sunday17:00 - 21:30