
Bossa Nova Civic Club


Bossa Nova Civic Club is a true es­cape from the ex­pect­ed New York City ex­pe­ri­ence. Just a short hop from Times Square, it's a por­tal to the warmth and rhythm of Brazil. Mu­sic wash­es over you the mo­ment you step in­side, a mix of sam­ba beats and the de­li­cious scent of tra­di­tion­al fei­joa­da. The

club's cal­en­dar is burst­ing with live per­for­mances by in­cred­i­bly tal­ent­ed Brazil­ian mu­si­cians. But the ex­pe­ri­ence goes be­yond the mu­sic, with dance lessons, movie nights, and cul­tur­al work­shops pop­ping up through­out the week. It's the kind of place where you ef­fort­less­ly find your­self chat­ting with some­one new over a caipir­in­ha, com­plete­ly im­mersed in the live­ly at­mos­phere.

Opening hours
Sunday19:00 - 04:00Monday19:00 - 04:00Tuesday19:00 - 04:00Wednesday19:00 - 04:00Thursday19:00 - 04:00Friday19:00 - 04:00Saturday19:00 - 04:00