
Bonne Bouche Padding­ton


Step­ping into Bonne Bouche in Padding­ton is like step­ping back in time to a Lon­don that’s both charm­ing and cozy. This fam­i­ly-run bak­ery, a cher­ished neigh­bor­hood spot for over 50 years, wel­comes you with the tempt­ing aro­ma of fresh bread and pas­tries. Their se­cret? Gen­er­a­tions-old fam­i­ly recipes, clear in every de­lec­table mouth­ful. Coun­ters are laden with tempt­ing good­ies, from im­pec­ca­bly browned loaves to gor­geous, dain­ty cakes. It’s clear that ex­cel­lence is key. Whether you grab a loaf for the road or sa­vor a pas­try and cof­fee in their wel­com­ing nook, Bonne Bouche pro­vides an au­then­tic taste of Lon­don bak­ing that has stood the test of time.

Opening hours
Saturday08:00 - 15:30Monday07:00 - 17:00Tuesday07:00 - 17:00Wednesday07:00 - 17:00Thursday07:00 - 17:00Friday07:00 - 17:00SundayClosed