bongkong seam reap


Delve into the world of Cam­bo­di­an silk weav­ing at this in­spir­ing or­ga­ni­za­tion, where tra­di­tion meets em­pow­er­ment. Wit­ness the metic­u­lous process of silk pro­duc­tion, from silk­worm rear­ing to the in­tri­cate weav­ing tech­niques passed down through gen­er­a­tions. En­gage with lo­cal ar­ti­sans, learn­ing about their sto­ries and the cul­tur­al sig­nif­i­cance of silk in Cam­bo­di­an so­ci­ety. Ad­mire the vi­brant col­ors

and in­tri­cate pat­terns of the fin­ished prod­ucts, each a tes­ta­ment to the skill and artistry of the weavers. By sup­port­ing this or­ga­ni­za­tion, you con­tribute to the preser­va­tion of this an­cient craft and em­pow­er lo­cal com­mu­ni­ties to thrive. Whether you're a tex­tile en­thu­si­ast or sim­ply cu­ri­ous about Cam­bo­di­an cul­ture, a vis­it here of­fers a unique and en­rich­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.

Opening hours
Sunday16:00 - 22:00Monday16:00 - 22:00Tuesday16:00 - 23:00Wednesday16:00 - 22:00Thursday16:00 - 22:00Friday16:00 - 22:00Saturday16:00 - 22:00