
Bo­dia Cam­bo­di­an Apothe­cary (River­side)


Bo­dia Cam­bo­di­an Apothe­cary is­n't just a store; it's a sen­so­ry jour­ney into the heart of Cam­bo­di­an beau­ty tra­di­tions. Their shelves are lined with beau­ti­ful­ly pack­aged fa­cial scrubs, es­sen­tial oils, and oth­er nat­ur­al de­lights, all hand­craft­ed us­ing time-hon­ored Khmer recipes. You can tell that high-qual­i­ty, eth­i­cal­ly sourced in­gre­di­ents are a pri­or­i­ty here. They part­ner di­rect­ly with lo­cal farm­ers,

en­sur­ing fair trade prac­tices and cap­tur­ing the essence of Cam­bo­di­a's un­touched land­scape. From the sea salts in their bath prod­ucts to the del­i­cate fra­grance of lo­tus flower in their teas, Bo­dia brings the raw beau­ty of Cam­bo­dia di­rect­ly to you. It's an ex­pe­ri­ence that leaves you feel­ing re­freshed, re­ju­ve­nat­ed, and con­nect­ed to the spir­it of this en­chant­i­ng coun­try.
