
Bodean's Tow­er Hill


Crav­ing au­then­tic bar­be­cue in Lon­don? Look no fur­ther than Bodean's Tow­er Hill. Con­ve­nient­ly sit­u­at­ed at the edge of the Square Mile, this bar­be­cue joint of­fers more than just mouth­wa­ter­ing smoked meats. Pic­ture this: you're sa­vor­ing ten­der ribs glazed in smoky sauce, all while tak­ing in an un­par­al­leled view of the his­tor­i­cal Tow­er of Lon­don, its an­cient stone con­trast­ing with the flow­ing Thames Riv­er. It's an ex­pe­ri­ence that sat­is­fies both hunger pangs and your de­sire for a unique Lon­don ad­ven­ture.

Price point