
Boc­ca di Lupo


Boc­ca di Lupo, lo­cat­ed in the bustling heart of Soho, is a must for any­one with a pas­sion for Ital­ian cui­sine. Its name, "wolf's mouth," hints at its his­tor­i­cal role as a haven for weary trav­el­ers. Ex­posed brick and soft light­ing cre­ate an invit­ing, in­ti­mate am­biance. A large cen­tral ta­ble fos­ters a warm and con­vivial at­mos­phere, per­fect for shar­ing plates and sto­ries. True to its Ital­ian roots, the menu at Boc­ca di Lupo cel­e­brates the fresh­est sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents,

with dai­ly changes re­flect­ing the boun­ty of the sea­son. Tempt­ing "ci­c­chet­ti" op­tions, like ri­cot­ta-filled zuc­chi­ni blos­soms or rose­mary-gar­lic an­chovies, will tan­ta­lize your taste buds. The restau­rant also presents a di­verse se­lec­tion of an­tipasti, pas­ta, risot­to, meat, and seafood dish­es. Their thought­ful­ly cu­rat­ed wine list boasts a fine col­lec­tion of Ital­ian wines, of­fered by the glass, carafe, or bot­tle. Boc­ca di Lupo pro­vides a true culi­nary es­cape, of­fer­ing an au­then­tic taste of Italy amidst the elec­tric en­er­gy of Lon­don.
