
Blue Moon Lounge


Step­ping into Blue Moon Lounge is like step­ping into a calm­ing oa­sis. The dim­ly lit am­biance in­stant­ly puts you at ease, mak­ing it the per­fect place to un­wind af­ter a long day. Sink into the plush seat­ing and pe­ruse their ex­pan­sive hookah menu – with so many fla­vors, the choice can be de­li­cious­ly over­whelm­ing! Once you've made

your se­lec­tion, just sit back and let the aro­mat­ic smoke and rhyth­mic mu­sic car­ry your stress away. The staff is in­cred­i­bly at­ten­tive, mak­ing sure your hookah is al­ways per­fect­ly prepped and you’re hav­ing a great time. It’s the kind of place where you can catch up with friends or sim­ply en­joy a mo­ment of peace­ful soli­tude.

Opening hours
SundayClosedMondayClosedFriday23:00 - 04:00TuesdayClosedWednesdayClosedThursdayClosedSaturday23:00 - 04:00