
Blue Bar


The Blue Bar prac­ti­cal­ly thrums be­neath the open sky, a mag­net for those seek­ing in­ven­tive cock­tails and an elec­tric at­mos­phere. This sum­mer, it's *the* spot to be seen, alive with con­ver­sa­tion and the rhyth­mic shake of cock­tail shak­ers. They've cap­tured a unique en­er­gy, draw­ing in crowds with their fresh per­spec­tive on clas­sic drinks and an in­fec­tious live­li­ness. Ready to soak up the sea­son's spir­it? Look no fur­ther than the cap­ti­vat­ing, azure glow of this buzzing bar.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday17:00 - 01:00Wednesday17:00 - 01:00Thursday17:00 - 01:00Friday17:00 - 01:00Saturday17:00 - 01:00SundayClosed