
Bliss Spa


In­dulge in tran­quil­i­ty at the bliss­ful oa­sis of Bliss Spa in the heart of Hong Kong. Step into a sanc­tu­ary of seren­i­ty where fra­grant es­sen­tial oils per­me­ate the air and the soft glow of can­dles il­lu­mi­nates your path. Ex­pert ther­a­pists cus­tomize treat­ments tai­lored to your in­di­vid­ual needs, of­fer­ing an ar­ray of mas­sages, fa­cials, and body treat­ments de­signed to re­ju­ve­nate and re­vi­tal­ize. Sur­ren­der to the calm­ing am­biance and emerge feel­ing ut­ter­ly pam­pered and re­freshed, ready to em­brace the vi­brant streets of Hong Kong.

Opening hours
Sunday09:00 - 22:00Monday09:00 - 22:00Tuesday09:00 - 22:00Wednesday09:00 - 22:00Thursday09:00 - 22:00Friday09:00 - 22:00Saturday09:00 - 22:00