caribbean restaurant

Blessed West In­di­an Take­away


Crav­ing a taste of the Caribbean in Lon­don? Look no fur­ther than Blessed West In­di­an Take­away. This spot is a true find for any­one seek­ing au­then­tic is­land fla­vors. We by­passed the usu­al sus­pects on the menu and dove straight into their WKD Blue and a bot­tle of Vino Spumante Pros­ec­co Ex­tra Dry – a sur­pris­ing­ly de­light­ful pair­ing! The bub­bly pros­ec­co bal­anced the sweet­ness of the WKD, mak­ing for a fun and un­ex­pect­ed start to our Caribbean feast. If you're look­ing for a unique culi­nary ad­ven­ture, this place is worth a vis­it.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 02:00Tuesday10:00 - 02:00Wednesday10:00 - 02:00Thursday10:00 - 02:00Friday10:00 - 02:00Saturday10:00 - 02:00Sunday10:00 - 02:00