
Black­bird Bak­ery


Black­bird Bak­ery in south Lon­don had me at "hand­craft­ed." This is­n't your av­er­age bak­ery churn­ing out mass-pro­duced treats. They clear­ly take pride in us­ing qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents, and you can taste the dif­fer­ence in every bite. The sour­dough bread boasts a crust that's the stuff of leg­ends, and the cakes and pas­tries?

Let's just say I left with more than a few. It's fan­tas­tic to see a lo­cal busi­ness thriv­ing, and even bet­ter to know they sup­ply oth­er spots in the area. Do your­self a fa­vor – and your taste buds – and check them out. You won't re­gret it!

Price point