night club

Black Sheep Cof­fee & Cock­tails


Black Sheep Cof­fee & Cock­tails lives up to its name. From the first sip of their ex­pert­ly craft­ed cof­fee, made with glob­al­ly sourced beans, you can tell they're not mess­ing around. The baris­tas here are true mas­ters of their craft, whip­ping up every­thing from clas­sic lattes to more ad­ven­tur­ous con­coc­tions. And their com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty is ad­mirable, with a no­tice­able

ab­sence of sin­gle-use plas­tics. But Black Sheep is more than just a cof­fee shop; as the sun sets, the space trans­forms, the en­er­gy buzzing with good mu­sic and good com­pa­ny. This in­de­pen­dent spir­it, com­bined with a gen­uine de­sire to do good (look out for their ini­tia­tives sup­port­ing the home­less com­mu­ni­ty) makes Black Sheep a tru­ly unique find.

Price point
Opening hours
SundayClosedMonday06:45 - 17:00Tuesday06:45 - 17:00Wednesday06:45 - 17:00Thursday06:45 - 17:00Friday06:45 - 17:00SaturdayClosed