Black Sheep Cof­fee


Black Sheep Cof­fee is­n't your av­er­age Lon­don cof­fee stop. This is a place that takes its caf­feine se­ri­ous­ly, sourc­ing top-tier beans from across the globe and en­sur­ing they're han­dled by only the most skilled baris­tas in town. Step­ping in­side, you can feel their com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty, with a no­tice­able ab­sence

of plas­tic. What tru­ly sur­prised us, though, was their ded­i­ca­tion to the com­mu­ni­ty – they're ac­tive­ly in­volved in char­i­ta­ble ini­tia­tives with­in the lo­cal area. Black Sheep Cof­fee is a breath of fresh air, dar­ing to be dif­fer­ent, un­afraid of a chal­lenge, and al­ways striv­ing for ex­cel­lence.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday06:00 - 20:00Tuesday06:00 - 20:00Wednesday06:00 - 20:00Thursday06:00 - 20:30Friday06:00 - 20:30Saturday06:30 - 21:00Sunday07:30 - 20:30