
Black Milk Gas­tro Bar


Black Milk Gas­tro Bar com­plete­ly won us over. The com­bi­na­tion of ex­posed brick and warm light­ing cre­at­ed a chic, mod­ern at­mos­phere that was both styl­ish and invit­ing. Their menu, a fu­sion of Nordic and glob­al cuisines, show­cased dish­es brim­ming with cre­ative flair. We start­ed with crispy shrimp tacos and grilled hal­lou­mi driz­zled with pome­gran­ate mo­lasses – a fan­tas­tic way to be­gin our culi­nary jour­ney. For

our main course, we chose the slow-cooked lamb shoul­der, and it was tru­ly ex­cep­tion­al. The meat was in­cred­i­bly ten­der, served along­side per­fect­ly roast­ed root veg­eta­bles. The wine se­lec­tion was well-cu­rat­ed, and the staff was knowl­edge­able and ea­ger to guide us to­wards the ide­al pair­ing. If you're search­ing for a tru­ly un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence in Stock­holm, make sure to in­clude Black Milk Gas­tro Bar on your itin­er­ary.

Opening hours
Monday11:30 - 15:00Tuesday11:30 - 15:00Wednesday11:30 - 15:0017:30 - 12:00Thursday12:30 - 01:0011:30 - 15:0017:30 - 12:00Friday12:30 - 01:0011:30 - 15:0017:30 - 12:00Saturday12:30 - 01:0017:30 - 12:00Sunday12:30 - 01:00