
Big Fun Mu­se­um


Barcelon­a's Big Fun Mu­se­um tru­ly lives up to its name! Step­ping in­side feels like en­ter­ing an­oth­er di­men­sion over­flow­ing with op­ti­cal il­lu­sions. One mo­ment you're nav­i­gat­ing a seem­ing­ly end­less hall of mir­rors, the next you're bat­tling a wave of nau­sea in the dis­ori­ent­ing Vor­tex Tun­nel. It's a com­plete sen­so­ry over­load in the best way pos­si­ble. The Ames Room pro­vides end­less pho­to op­por­tu­ni­ties with per­spec­tive tricks that make you ap­pear to change size right be­fore your eyes! For a tru­ly unique, en­gag­ing, and en­ter­tain­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, add this to your itin­er­ary – you won't be dis­ap­point­ed!

Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 19:00Tuesday11:00 - 19:00Wednesday11:00 - 19:00Thursday11:00 - 19:00Friday11:00 - 21:00Saturday11:00 - 21:00Sunday11:00 - 19:00