
Ben­chakit­ti Park


Ben­chakit­ti Park sprawls like a green lung amidst Bangkok's ur­ban land­scape. Its ex­pan­sive grassy fields, placid wa­ter fea­tures, and tree-lined walk­ways of­fer a wel­come sanc­tu­ary for those seek­ing a break from the city's en­er­gy. A promi­nent lake serves as the park's fo­cal point, invit­ing vis­i­tors to en­joy leisure­ly walks or in­vig­o­rat­ing bike rides while soak­ing in pic­turesque views of the cityscape. Whether you're look­ing to un­wind or en­gage in some light ex­er­cise, Ben­chakit­ti Park pro­vides a re­ju­ve­nat­ing es­cape.

Opening hours
Saturday04:30 - 21:00Sunday04:30 - 21:00Monday04:30 - 21:00Tuesday04:30 - 21:00Wednesday04:30 - 21:00Thursday04:30 - 21:00Friday04:30 - 21:00