
Bell­man mu­se­um


Step­ping into the Bell­man Mu­se­um is like step­ping back in time to 18th-cen­tu­ry Stock­holm. Lo­cat­ed with­in a charm­ing pe­ri­od build­ing, the mu­se­um in­vites you to dis­cov­er the life and lega­cy of Carl Michael Bell­man, Swe­den's beloved poet and song­writer. Rather than just show­cas­ing ar­ti­facts, the mu­se­um uses in­ter­ac­tive dis­plays and au­dio record­ings to im­merse you in Bell­man's world. You can prac­ti­cal­ly hear

the echoes of his fa­mous songs, "Fred­man's Epis­tles" and "Bac­chus' Songs," as you ex­am­ine hand­writ­ten man­u­scripts and orig­i­nal edi­tions of his work. The ex­hibits paint a vivid pic­ture of Bell­man's bo­hemi­an lifestyle, his con­nec­tions to oth­er artists, and the in­spi­ra­tions be­hind his en­dur­ing mu­sic. For any­one cu­ri­ous about the cul­tur­al her­itage of Stock­holm, the Bell­man Mu­se­um of­fers a cap­ti­vat­ing and en­gag­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.

Location 70 024 44 17
Opening hours
Saturday11:00 - 17:00Sunday11:00 - 17:00Monday11:00 - 17:00Tuesday11:00 - 17:00Wednesday11:00 - 17:00Thursday11:00 - 17:00Friday11:00 - 17:00